I also think that because in my ancillary texts my cast member is wearing one of the outfits from the music video, it links the products together well as it makes it clear to the audience that they are all actually promoting the same thing. This is effective because it means that the over all look of the products create the same feeling as each other and portray the song well.
Things that I think are important to consider when making my products so that they can be as effective as possible when combined are:
All of the products from Hold Me Down have the same earthy house style as they all have the green and leafy effect. I feel that this shows how the products come from them and are all from the same album.
Here she is on my front cover of my digipak;
My left inside cover;
My middle page;
One of my CD's;
My album advert;
The aim of my digipak was to highlight the lyrics of the song as I feel there was a lot of negative feelings that needed to be represented. I think I did this by taking screen grabs from my music video as I tried to make my music video represent the feelings also, therefore my products have combined. The blurriness and distorted effect gives off the impression that the artists vision is how she says in the lyrics and connotes the fact that she's wasting away as she is no longer dominant in the picture.
The aim of my poster was also to represent the wasting away effect because of the blurriness showing how she is going to eventually not exist. I also think that it shows how I am not particularly trying to aim at a mass audience, but a niche audience because of the fact that my artist doesn't exactly look like the stereotypical pop role model, which shows how I have stuck to the conventions of a pop-punk artist as they care more about the music due to the fact that they are more likely to be signed to an indie label, or don't change for the media if they are signed to one of the big 3.
I thought it would be a good idea to ask someone who is also doing media to get their opinion on whether or not my products combined are effective ad this is what she said.
I think she managed to pick up on my intended effect as she mentioned the fact that the genre is rock (pop-punk is a sub genre of rock) and recognised the fat that I have used the same fonts all the way through.
Obviously my music video, digipak and poster are black and white which is a factor in which makes them all combine and link.
This is similar to You Me At Six- Hold Me Down
All of the products from Hold Me Down have the same earthy house style as they all have the green and leafy effect. I feel that this shows how the products come from them and are all from the same album.
Another thing in which my products are effective in the way they combine is the feature artist as she appears on everything.
My left inside cover;
My middle page;
One of my CD's;
My album advert;
And all the way through my music video.
This is effective as it makes it clear who my artist is and who the products come from.
I also think the font I have used in my products shows continuity and combines my products which is effective as it means that people will see it as the logo of my artist as the font will always be used. I also think that it almost means that people will recognise it as the font that my artist uses and make them think of her when they see it.

One thing I think I could have improved on in the combination of my products is promoting them as I haven't included where you can buy my album, which shows how my products may not be noticed as much as others and how my products combining will make less of an impact because they are more likely to reach a niche audience.
Overall I think the combination of my main product and ancillary texts are effective as they show continuity and similitude. These are important as they mean that the products promote my artist and her song which is what the aim of the brief was (a promotion package), therefore I think I have fulfilled my aim and successfully made three linking products.
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