Monday, 24 November 2014

Locations used to shoot music video

I want my video to feature a field as I think it will portray the loneliness that the song represents as she will look isolated against the rest of the world and show how she is 'waiting for nothing'. I also think that it will look good as the field has a tree that I would like to include in my shot. I also think that having a different variety of shots will look good as the scenery in the background will look good.

Dark room
I think that the dark room will also promote the loneliness that the song is trying to get across. The effect I want is for her to look like there is literally nothing for her to wait for and that she is the victim in the situation. I also think it allows her to get emotions across as it makes us focus completely on her as she will be the only one in the shot.

Alley way
I think the alley way will make it look like everyday life has been interpreted into the video as the song is about actual emotions that the artist who the song is actually by felt and it creates the normality of things people actually feel.

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