In order to make an appropriate magazine advert for my artist, the first thing I did was use google to search 'pop punk magazine'. This was helpful as it came up with many music magazines that feature pop punk, however I chose to research the top three which are alternative press, Infectious magazine and Kerrang!

The first issue of Alternative Press was simply a photocopied fanzine, distributed at concerts in Cleveland, Ohio beginning in June 1985 by AP's founder, Mike Shea. He disliked the music that was then being broadcast on radio stations and believed that bands playing underground music should be given more media coverage "all in the same spot", he said.
Here is the front page of Alt press's website which gives me an idea of whether or not many pop punk are featured on the main page. The photo of the day is features All Time Low which is a popular pop punk band, therefore my advert would have a good chance of making it onto the home page of Alt Press's website, therefore into an issue of a magazine as well.
This was the issue that Alt press where selling on January 5th 2015. This also shows whether or not many pop punk bands/artists get featured on the front page of the magazine which is helpful as it means they have a main feature in the magazine, therefore they are very likely to have the chance to advertise their new album/single.
This is where alt press is sold. If I wanted my artist to go global (which I do as it means she will be successful) then this is where what shops she will be seen in.
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